Presentation options

Oral presentation in break out session
15-minute presentation during a breakout session. Presenters are required to present in person according to their acceptance and register to the same.

Poster presentation in exhibition
Posters will be exhibited during the conference. The format of the poster should be A1. Poster presenters will have a time set in the program where they are present in the exhibition for Q&A. Poster presenters are required to register for the conference to be included in the exhibition.


Scientific and practice abstracts:

  • Language: English
  • Title: max 10 words (sentence case)
  • Abstract: min 250 - max 500 words. All abstract submissions should target one or more of the conference sub-themes and articulate the objectives, methods, results and discussions/conclusions.
  • Keywords: max 5 keywords of own choice
  • Author’s name, country, organization, email. The presenting author (not necessarily the first author) should be identified. A short biography should also be provided. (max 100 words)


Call for Abstract: 17 November 2023
Abstract Submission Deadline: 19 February 2024 23.59 hours (GMT)
Abstract Acceptance Notification: 15 April 2024
Main Program Launching: 15 May 2024
Early Registration Deadline: 15 June 2024
Registration Deadline: 15 August 2024

*If your abstract is accepted, registration for the conference is mandatory. The organizers reserve the right to remove any accepted abstract or project whose author does not register by the deadline.


All accepted abstracts, full papers, and projects will be published in the digital conference publications. Publication categories will be announced soon.